Your company could suffer a number of negative consequences when disaster happens. Customers may leave and suppliers may cease support and capital sources or investors could stop funding. These events could put pressure on managers to ensure that the business is running smoothly. A well-planned business continuity plan can help your company survive any crises.

A business continuity plan defines the essential tasks that need to continue functioning cybersecurity checklist in the event of a disaster, and defines the resources needed to run these functions. A business impact assessment (BIA) or risk assessment (RA) is a vital first step.

From there, businesses must determine how they will respond to every threat that is identified and what the appropriate amount of downtime should be for each crucial function. It’s the next step of creating an emergency response plan that is a precise document that provides step-bystep procedures. The plan should include emergency contact details, recovery strategies and detailed action steps for various scenarios.

It is also a good idea to test and review your business continuity plans regularly. In this period you can utilize tabletop exercises, simulations, and other forms of testing to determine if your plan will be effective in the event of a real-world disaster. These tests can also reveal areas that need to be improved. It is essential to keep your business continuity plan current especially when your technology, processes and employees change. Regularly reviewing and testing can ensure that your plan is prepared for any eventuality.


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